New Years Day Fundraising Event
Since the millenium, Felixstowe Ferry HM John White and wife Ann have held a fund-raising event at the ferry on new years day in aid of the FVCPRS. John and Ann assisted by family, friends, supporters and our volunteers, and Ann’s Christmas cheer of mince pies, cheesy feet biscuits, and mulled wine have given the event a party atmosphere.
It quickly gathered momentum and became what is best described as a cult-following with the same people turning out every year, bringing family and friends. Every year the turn out no matter what the weather has been phenomenal, with the cheery queues on each jetty waiting to board the ferry ‘Odd Times’ (built by John) being reminiscent of Dunkirk.
There has only been one year when the weather prevented the event going ahead and being postponed until the following Sunday, which again drew a large following. Many of these wonderful people have not only become staunch supporters, but also friends of the FVCPRS.
Since the millenium, John, Ann and friends have raised many thousands of pounds in support of ‘Keeping our boat afloat’, and have undoubtedly helped us save 84 lives since 2000. The previous record of money raised through this event had been £1518 in 2012, and we are now delighted to be able to confirm that this year the event raised an amazing £1648.86.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and this year was the grand finale, as John and Ann after twenty years of this commitment both deserve a well earned break.
Chairman’s comment:
We cannot thank John and Ann enough for their unrelenting efforts over the past twenty years. Not only have they been responsible for raising large sums of money to help ‘Keep the boat afloat’, but have also been staunch ambassadors for the FVCPRS by endorsing how vital the service is, especially with the yearly rise in incidents.
They have introduced us to many new friends and supporters from a wide area. John and Ann will always be close friends, and John will continue to be one of the services much valued band of eight Trustee’s.
May i take this opportunity to unreservedly thank all those who have helped to make the Ferry Event the resounding success that it surely has been, and to thank the many hundreds of people from far and wide who have support the event.
John Cresswell