2019 End of Season Report

2019 End of Season Review

·       6 lives saved, 4 requiring medical attention, 2 to A&E.

·       72 incidents and 33 casualties, with a total of 267 persons & 5 dogs involved.

·       Tasked by HM Coastguard 27 times, 6 times by National Coastwatch Institution, 8 by Harbour Authorities, 10 by Police and 4 by UK Border Force.

·       Our two boats covered a distance of 3405 miles on patrols, incidents & rescues.

·       Our volunteers gave a total of 1305 hours of their time to the community on patrols, that doesn’t include time for training, visits to organisations, youth groups or schools for talks on beach/sea safety, fundraising & admin.


New Years Day Fundraising Event


Coast Patrol attend the Houses of Parliament