Busy Weekend of Rescues
A really busy weekend for the crew
This weekend has been our busiest of the season so far. Here is just a quick description of some of the rescues/activties.
- Last Order was asked to perform a welfare check on an injured individual on a 37ft sloop. We helped them lower sails, berth up and aid them onto the pontoon. Then assisted moving yacht to its berth.
- 2 Kayaks helped on the Deben Bar.
- Advice given to a yacht heading for old Deben entrance.
Last Order was tasked by Coastguard to Deben entrance. 2 persons in water with Jetski travelling away from them. All recovered and taken to Bawdsey Quay to hand over to Shingle Street Coastguard Rescue team.
Nomad Sea Kayaking saw the rescue first hand and wrote an amazing blog on the rescue
- Alerted to yacht run aground at Levington Creek. Crew mustered at 22:00 and recovered the yacht. Crew arrived back at base for 00:27 Monday a.m.